
3am Friends

Throughout my life, even though I have never really been in one place for too long, I have always been blessed to have loads and loads of friends. It has always been relatively easy for me to meet people and converse since I can be rather talkative. In fact, when I moved to Dallas four years ago I actually only knew two people. Whenever I think back to that time it makes me so grateful for how far I have come. While I am incredibly lucky I will admit I still have some friends who constantly leave me hanging and make me do all the work. So, with the new year still fresh I have started to ask myself "Who are my 3am friends?" What is a 3am friend you may ask? Well, and please note that I made this term up (nothing official or fancy at all), they are the friends you can call or text at any hour of the day and no matter what they are doing they will pick up or answer your text. They are the friends that will commit to something, but not back out even if something far more fabulous comes along. They are the friends that always include you and invite you to things even when they know you are busy and will say no. They are your BEST friends and they will be there through thick AND thin! It can be hard to let go of the friendships for which you have put worth all the effort, but there comes a time when you I think you have to be selfish. Sometimes, you just naturally grow apart from people, but there are other instances when reality sets in. When someone constantly lets you down or neglects to include you it only upsets you in the end. I feel like I have finally learned that "friends" like that are not are friends on the surface level.
I have SO many wonderful friends that I know would go out of their way for me. Funny enough, and I NEVER would have dreamed I would write this in a million years, but many of them I have met through my blog. So, in 2011 and beyond it is my "3am friends" that I want surrounding me! They are the friends I want to call and laugh with in twenty years; the friends whose children's weddings we will all attend; the friends who will hold my hand through the good and the bad. They are and they will always be my best friends!


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