
Monkey Business

As I was going through my camera tonight I came across all these photos I had taken in India and forgotten I had. Well, they just happened to be of one of my favorite aspects of India- the animals!
Animals roam freely in India. You see wild dogs, cows, goats, donkeys and elephants walking the streets on a daily basis. The other animals that is everywhere is monkeys! I know I have written about monkeys before, but it is safe to say I adore them (in real life, on clothes and in home decor too!). While we had monkeys in our neighborhood the very best place to see monkeys is up at the Presidential palace (pictured up top). Naturally, Cassie had to experience seeing all the monkeys on the lawn so we had our driver take us one afternoon. Much to our dismay all the monkeys were inside the gates so there was nothing to see (or photograph). However, our fabulous driver knew just where to go and on the way home we found a friend sitting on top of a car.
As soon as we spotted him he must have decided it was dinner time so he ran across the street and found a watermelon.
Isn't he cute? As cute as he was we were careful to keep a good deal of distance (thank goodness for zoom!!).
Apparently, monkeys love more than just bananas...
This was one hungry monkey!
Yum, yum, yum!

I was SO excited that I even figured out how to use the video feature on my camera (I know, I know, I am WAY behind) and captured this grand moment! Cassie and I are easily amused as you can see!


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