
Fever Pitch

My brilliant, braniac, smartie, intellectually sophisticated friend, Mara, sent this New Yorker article to me yesterday.  "After the Flood" is a brief and fascinating discussion of none other than "Treme" and its creators.

Click here to read it. 

Some resonating quotes:

"New Orleans is nothing if not complex, and complexity is what Simon [creator of Treme] is drawn to."

"I’d never seen anything like it in a TV show. And yet it didn’t strike me as exotic, since that’s a word I would use to describe something I felt distanced from. But here I felt a strong connection. I think this is what Simon wanted to have happen to viewers, though so far it hasn’t happened to me very often. The characters in the show are ambivalent about outsiders, and if you’re at all sensitive to that you feel intrusive, rude—almost a colonialist—for appreciating what you see and hear in 'Treme.' The series virtually prohibits you from loving it, while asking you to value it. In that sense, I suppose, it may be the bravest show that David Simon has ever made."

For more frenzy, click here for the link to the NPR page citing all stories in the past couple of weeks about "Treme."  I seriously feel like every time I am listening to show on NPR, it is about the creators of "Treme" or the show itself. 

Well, boys and girls.  It's coming.  This Sunday...we'll have to see what the locals think.  And, aren't we the ones who will best "know?" 



P.S.  Just for the record, I think it must be stated that between raising her soon-to-be two children, obtaining her PhD, traveling to the Middle East, reading the New Yorker, and working for "the government," Mara is an avid fan of "Gossip Girl." 


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