
Photos and Tidbits

I just got the photos from last Thursday's LOFT girl event which I wanted to share with you. They are so fun and give you an idea of the nature of the event; we really had a grand time!! Also, the solo shots should help you understand why I did not become a model...tee hee!
Many of you have asked where my mother ordered the smocked, monogram baby day gown. Well, it was actually ordered from the same lady that did all my smocked outfits when I was a child! I have written about Lynn on my blog before and just have to tell you again that it is a CHARM to work with her! She can do absolutely anything, just email her if you do not see exactly what you want on her etsy site.
I have also got loads and loads of questions about the Dukan diet. The only thing I can recommend to you if interested is that you buy and read the book. You can find quite a bit of information online (lots of recipes), but the book is really the key to the plan.

I leave for St. John in just about two weeks. So many of you had marvelous recommendations on Twitter, but if you have any "cannot miss" things to do or places to go I would love to hear!

I can hardly believe we are already more than half way through May. Summer is just around the corner and before we know it, we will be half way through the year! Crazy, crazy, crazy! I have been working hard to stick to my New Year's resolutions, have you been too?

Have a lovely weekend and for the record, GO MAVS!


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