
Hikes and Resorts

In case you missed the memo, I am very far from being an outdoorsy person. I think nature is beautiful and that we need to preserve our surroundings, but I have little desire to go camping or on day long hikes. I would prefer to take things in from afar. However, this did not stop me from going on a hike last week. To be honest, when Lindsey said we should walk to Honeymoon Beach I assumed we might take a little walk up the hill and then land at the beach. I think we were both surprised when our hike turned into climbing up a mountain and steering clear of boulders. Thank goodness for our extra stylish water shoes; they made this hike possible!
The end result was well worth the trek:

Honeymoon Beach was one of the most beautiful beaches I have ever seen. It reminded me of the beaches I grew up going to in Honduras; the beaches that were for the most part untouched by human hands.

The water was that stunning shade of turquoise and the sand was soft and fine. Magnificent!

Along the route I spotted a sign that said the same trail that took us to Honeymoon Beach also continued on to Caneel Bay!! Being the hotel snob that I am I can never say no to checking out a resort and lucky for Lindsey and I we just so happened to end around lunch time. So to Caneel Bay we headed to rest our feet and fill our stomachs.

While the food was delicious the service was not quite up to par. I hope they were having an off day because it was just all over the place. The ruins around the property were fun to see and explore. They are the remnants of an old sugar factory.

The ruins are now home to a restaurant, The Equator, as well as several friendly donkeys! There are donkeys throughout the island (thought this is actually the only one I saw). They were brought in during the plantation era (think said sugar mill) and were used for transportation and work. The Caneel Bay donkey was very picturesque (unlike me after my hike...) and took us back in time.

Our hike to Honeymoon Beach and Caneel Bay made for a perfect morning outing. We got to see a beautiful beach, enjoy lunch at a world renowned resort, get in touch with nature and exercise!


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