
Weekend and Prayers

Please take time to pray for my dear friend Eloise, her family and especially her daughter, Vivian today. I received a heartbreaking email from Eloise yesterday that Vivian was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance after spiking a fever of 107. Vivian was already in the hospital numerous times last week (including on her 16th birthday). She is such a sweet and special girl and sadly she will be in the hospital for at least two weeks while the wonderful doctors here in Dallas work to figure out what has gone wrong. She is currently resting peacefully on a ventilator. Please remember this wonderful family in your prayers during their time of need!


On Saturday evening I had the pleasure of going to the zoo with a dear group of friends. This was actually my first time at the Dallas zoo (gasp! However, when you live in a heat box you do not frequent outdoor areas) and I was so glad to be in such good company!
The highlight of our zoo visit was the new African area (and chatting with the mayor too of course!). The area is brand new and it is home to ostriches, elephants, leopards and giraffes.
Last night we were able to feed the giraffes- sadly, I do not have a picture of myself up close feeding any. I was surprised as to how friendly these elegant creatures were; they come right up to you and gently take the lettuce from you. You can literally pet them!
I could not resist a photo of the pink flamingos. They were so pretty too!
Finally, after about an hour and a half in the heat and humidity we called it a night. However, before departing I had to ride an elephant...the second time was almost as fun as the first!


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