The Summer Hols Have Begun....
I can't even tell you how fabulous that feels!!
The freedom of having no real routine and not having to prepare for school every morning is quite intoxicating....
Add to that that the weather is absolutely glorious today....
sunshine and the most beautiful blue skies in London.....
life is good :)
My children are lucky enough to be having tennis lessons (all day) this week, it was quite lovely to see them in their tennis whites this morning, excited for the day son has never played before.
I used to regularly play tennis when I was younger and there is something very rewarding - and comforting - as a parent when you see your child loving something that you also love.
You never know - and of course they don't have to enjoy the same things - but it is absolutely precious seeing my daughter burying herself in the same books that I read as a 10 year old.
My son is blessed with bucketloads of enthusiam and joie de far he has never met an activity he didn't like....I am making the most of that!!
My daughter wants to practise her cooking skills this summer and she made these delicious salted caramel cupcakes this week-end....for the recipe see here .....
I have plenty to do today whilst my children are occupied but this afternoon I plan to go to the tennis courts early, buy a coffee and sit and read my book ("When God Was a Rabbit") for a whole hour....
there's something very relaxing about the thwack of a tennis ball going to and fro....
Happy Monday!!
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