
Blockbuster Giveaway!

I LOVE movies! Whether it being going in the theater, renting a DVD or watching an old favorite on TV, I always find myself watching movies. So, naturally I was thrilled when Blockbuster contacted me to host a giveaway! The best part of this giveaway is that there are TWO chances to win...the more the merrier, right? Both prizes are really fabulous so both winners will be lucky ladies!

Blockbuster Total Access is a convenient way to rent movies. You set up a list of movies online and then receive your first through the mail. The BEST part about Blockbuster Total Access is that you do not have to mail your movie back and wait for another can return it to a store in your area and check out a movie when you do. Lucky me has two stores very close so I am SO excited to start exchanging movies in-store once my first movie comes. You do not have to return movies to the store, it is just an added benefit of Blockbuster Total Access. You can stick to the mail program if that works best for you.

One winner will win a 90 day trial subscription to Blockbuster Total Access. You can rent new and old DVDs (or hard to find BBC series...that is my plan), it is totally up to you and fully customizable! What better a time to win this as the weather is changing and the holidays are right around the corner (bring on the Christmas movies)?!

Now the fun does not stop there....are you ready for the second prize?
I have chosen five of my favorite Chick Flicks:

A second winner will win the following movies on DVD:

Breakfast at Tiffany's

Father of the Bride 1 and 2

How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days

The Notebook

If you are anything like me I am sure you stop to watch at least one of these whenever it is on TV! However, if you are the lucky winner you can soon just pop these in whenever you desire. These are great movies and never get old; classic click flicks!

Are you excited and ready to enter?


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Simple as that!




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