
Get Well Soon

It appears to be an unwritten rule in the universe if you are a mother and you get sick then....

a) it's always on the day when something really important is also happening ie, school assembly/ parent-teacher conference/meeting up with good friend for the first time in two years/having front row seats for an amazing long-awaited concert/you have a date with Patrick Dempsey (obviously I made that last one up but you get my point).

b) chances are that your husband will get sick too - in which case your thunder will be totally stolen and your illness forgotten about - not just a "mother" thing, that's a female thing.

c) your child/ren will also be sick.

We are - touch wood - a very healthy family.....but the change of seasons seems to have caught us out.....not only were my children both home from school with colds last week....but this week they have both had days at home again. Today my daughter is home with a horrible sore throat/cold/cough combo.
And of course they have very generously shared it with me.

I now look back fondly on the days when I could call the office making sure to talk in a really really very-ill voice (cos being a little bit sick wasn't quite enough to warrant leaving your desk for even a day).
Then of course, it was off to make a huge cup of tea, a plateful of buttery toast and settle down on the sofa for a whole day of daytime TV - chat-shows, Richard & Judy, the soaps, a little bit of Oprah, with a little light magazine reading on the side.
And of course enjoying it all the more because it was a week-day :)  

Today - in a little homage to those halcyon days of being sick and home alone - we are having tea, toast with honey, snuggly blankets and TV....well, at least one of us is ;)

This very funny TV clip may ring some bells....

Thank goodness it's Friday tomorrow :)

....if only!


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