
Blogger View : Wellness & Wellbeing

Wellness for me is more a state of mind than a physical state
(perhaps that comes from being a Psychologist).
It’s that feeling of just enjoying the moment/the “now” ;
not having a mind that is constantly churning over the lists of things to do, but instead just enjoying/concentrating 100% on what I am doing, however simple and uncomplicated.
It’s that feeling of calm, and just knowing that everything will turn out alright; it always does.

When I was part of the corporate world, this was something I craved sometimes more than food itself.
My life was one manic panic!
And I seemed to surge from one crisis to another.
I now realise I was actually attracting most of those crises with my thinking and subsequently my energy.

However, since moving to Spain, it was something I promised myself I would learn to do; change my thinking and the wellness (both physical and emotional) would follow.
I am now conscious of it daily, and I do programme in my diary all my “time-outs” i.e my yoga/Pilates classes, my time for meditation, even lunches I’m having with Hubs.
Once everything is timetabled, it’s much easier to fit it into your day.
Sometimes just sitting with a drink and soaking up the silence for about 15 minutes is all I need.
I always turn the TV off when not watching it.
I prefer no background chatter now.
I NEVER watch the news.
I’ve been on a “news diet for the last 5 years and it’s one of the best things I could have done.
Just small changes can have a lasting impact.
It doesn’t have to be too drastic or woo-woo ;)

Here in Spain lunch is the most important meal of the day.
So a freshly cooked lunch eaten with my husband (or sometimes a friend), with time for us both to disconnect from work is on my daily checklist.
Even lunch out is fine, but we always try and stop for at least 2 hours over lunch.
Wherever possible I avoid business lunches, because they go on for hours here in Spain, and after a while it just becomes a big “wine-fest”.
I try and walk everywhere as I live in the centre of Seville, so where ever possible that is my daily exercise.
I never drive in Spain.
I programme at least 30 minutes meditation every day.
I “try” to eat fruit everyday and drink 1.5 litres water every day (which is easy for me as I don’t drink tea or coffee ;-)
I know I could do a lot more, but I just don’t want to become obsessive about the whole thing. It then defeats the objective for me.
If I fancy chocolate I have it!
Do I eat the box? No.
Do I eat half the box? Sometimes ;-)

I know when I am starting to feel out of sync; 
I start getting colds etc, and my resistance drops very quickly.

I have acupuncture whenever I return to the UK or when I am in Madrid which seems to really set me up.
I do take supplements daily, I take various Bach Flower Remedies when the need arises, and a daily dose of sunlight (i.e vitamin D) always does the trick.

I LOVE cooking and consequently my diet could be healthier, but is still far healthier than when I lived in the UK.
We never eat convenience foods (I’m sure if there was an M&S food hall nearby that would not be the case!) simply because the choice/variety doesn’t exist here.
I have never been to McDonalds or Burger King in the 11 years I have lived in Spain.
I prefer to go for a quick tapas if I am out.
I do indulge in whatever I fancy (maybe more often than I should), but life is too short to be counting calories ;-)
I don’t eat any dairy products simply because of its links to breast cancer, but apart from that food group, I am not restrictive.

Food is a huge part of socialising in the Med; meeting friends for lunch is the norm at the weekend. So it’s quite hard to avoid or to constantly be on a diet.

Food is also a big part of my own life as both Hubs and I are foodies.
Since living in Spain I certainly eat more vegetables and fish.
It’s very easy to be healthy in the Med.
You just have to watch the alcohol-intake as most people go for a drink after work, or an aperatif before lunch, most days of the week and not just on a Friday as in the UK.

Vanessa lives in Spain and writes the blog 
Luxuria - Decadence for Divas ....

She also sells the most beautiful jewellery which you can see here
(she is currently offering a 15% discount for blog followers)



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