Dear friend, Mr. Adler.
Let's play show and tell. Here is what Johnny had to say. He is offering some new wallpapers.
Syrie in yellow and gray.
Syrie in blue and gray.
I see the blue and gray on closet doors much like these...
Closet doors, covered in wallpaper...a great way to funk up a home office.
Courtesy of Melissa Warner. Her entire home in West Hollywood is STUNNING. Check it out in HB this month. Scanned image via la dolce trip to Kinko's for me with my HB in hand!
And a new piece of furni.
New six drawer Channing match one of my all time faves, the Channing buffet.
A standard, oldie but goodie!
He also encouraged me to "Surrender to Hollywood Glamour!" What a realistic email message for a lawyer/ working stiff to receive at her desk on an idle Wednesday. To surrender to said Hollywood glamour, Jonathan recommends these guys, and I couldn't agree more!
The Preston console, ultimate showstopper.
Preston end table in black. I love you, and I want two of you in white to put at the foot of my bed.
A little trivia from Jonathan was also included. The Preston collection was inspired by Doris Day and Rex Harrison's characters, Kit and Anthony Preston in Midnight Lace, 1960.
Oh, Johnny! You are out of control and I love it.
Now, I also received an email from my other pal, DWR, the most modern of my friends. I am using his initials to protect his identity. Paola received one from him too. I certainly loved his suggestion to "Imagine it's Sunset..." (He is always thinking of super swanky things to email about) However, not sure if I can get on board with his Walter Lamb Collection of patio furni.
I appreciate the design and am intrigued by it. I love me some bronzey/copper and some pearly white, especially together, but I am hesitant about jumping in to this relationship.
The lounger.
The dining table.
I will not put this out there for fug or fab. I am going to place this one in the "context" pile. In the context of my backyard, it would present as scary 80s. However, I will completely withhold judgment as there is the right place for DWR's latest love.
P.S. Fair warning...posting is going to be light! The guests have arrived and Festing has essentially begun at Casa Haynes.
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