
Life is Short: Eat Dessert First (another yummy recipe!)

Thank you all for the wonderful response to my 'Pretzel Popper' recipe! I hope you all will try it, those things are so yummy! Mmmmmmm.

Since there was so much lovin' from you all, I decided to share another very simple dessert recipe. This one, however, is more like an appetizer. A sweet, little, slice of heaven appetizer! It would be perfect for a New Year's party!

I give full credit of this recipe to Ms. HFG who writes Monograms and Manicures. When she posted this I almost died it looked so yummy! So, here is my version with a little tweaking:

Chocolate Chip Ball

What you need:
One 8 oz. package cream cheese (softened)
1 stick of butter (softened)

I know it sounds fattening, so far! Well, it probably is, but you aren't gonna eat the whole thing by yourself....right? Well, even if you do I won't judge ;)

1/4 teaspoon vanilla
2 tablespoons brown sugar
3/4 cup confectioners sugar
3/4 cup chocolate chips
Chocolate, Chocolate Chip or Regular Graham Crackers for dipping

Mix it up:
Combine cream cheese, butter, and vanilla until creamy.
Add in sugars and mix.
Stir in chocolate chips.
Put in fridge until it is a good consistency to form a ball.
(this is very important otherwise you're going to have a dip not a ball)
Form mixture into a ball and put on a platter.
Sprinkle with a few chocolate chips, it makes a pretty presentation!
Place crackers around the plate.


How yummy does that look? Well, let me tell you from experience it is deeeelish, and it was a big hit at Christmas Eve dinner with my family :) I hope you will try it for your next party or just because!

Ok, y'all I'm off to get ready for some post-Christmas sales! Woo hoo!!

Have a wonderful Saturday!


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