
Oh, the weather outside is frightful....

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And the party I was going to tonight was canceled! Grrrrrrr! And I'm afraid that the party tomorrow night is gonna be canceled too. Why, you ask? 'Cause, girls, we've got a blizzard on our hands here in Virginia!

Oh brother, don't even get me started. I love snow as much as the next kid at heart. The snow days, the snowmen, the snowball fights, I love it all. But I want my grown-up parties, dang it!

Let me give you a replay.

I left school at 12:15. It was raining. The closer I got home I realized there was a little snow mixed in, but I wasn't too worried. I arrived home. Took Millie out. Came back in and took a 45 minute nap. I woke up and this is what I saw outside:

Welcome to the North Pole. Santa's workshop is actually in my living room.

But I will say this, Millie was cracking me up out there, I was laughing out loud! Remember when I told you about her first snow experience here? Well, today was so much better!

The snow blew into my front door and covered my umbrella and rain boots.

This isn't a great picture, but can you see how deep my footprint is? Yes, and it's still coming down out there!

So, need less to say, I'm wearing the cranky pants about this weather mess. Did I mention I can't leave my house? Oh, I left out that detail? Well, now you know.

However, this snow picture softened my Grinchy heart for just a minute to be exact. Hm.

Photo here

And, of course, this gets me, as you can tell from my laughing. I'm not going to apologize for how I talk to my dog. She's a baby so I treat her like one! I hope you all enjoy!

*Update, Saturday, Dec. 19: I am completely snowed in! I can't even walk down my driveway! My parents don't have power at their house. Good news, though, it has stopped snowing....for now. It doesn't look like the roads have been cleared yet either. I only remember a snow like this once in my life, and it came in April!


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