
This and That....Cause that's how I roll!

Monday greetings from the North Pole! No, just kidding, but it does look like it outside my house. And from the looks of some of my favorites' blogs, they got hit hard by Old Man Winter, as well.

My parents came over Saturday evening and stayed until this morning because they still have no power at their house! Mom had to go to work this morning, but I'm expecting them to be back this evening. Which is fine with me, cause it's Christmas, and I love being with my family!

Ok, onto the topic at hand.

I have been wanting to tell you about some new decorations that I got for my bedroom for so long! When I moved into my townhouse, I had apparently focused so much on things for the other rooms in the house that I completely forgot my bedroom. Shocking, I know! I seriously haven't had anything on my walls (except a mirror) since I moved in back in September!

Then I started looking for things and just couldn't ever find anything to satisfy me. Then one day in Tuesday Morning I found the most perfect pictures. I don't think I've told you all about my obsession with birds. I love them. Love them. Love them!

Here are the pictures I got to hang over my bed.

Do you love them as much as I do? Aren't they presh?

I also needed pictures to hang over my chest-of-drawers. And found these at TJ Maxx.

 I seriously almost lost my breath when I found these! They were perfect! And the cute little mirror on the wall was a hand-me-down from my Momma's bff :)

Not only was I missing pictures, I was also missing a nightstand. You might be asking yourself what I actually had in the room. Just the necessities, ladies. Which makes for a boring space and an unhappy Julie!

I found this little cutie at TJ Maxx the same day I found the perfume pictures, but I didn't get it. I thought about it and thought about it and ached over leaving that little table behind that obviously had my name written all over it! So, I went back and brought it home with me.

Do you see those little birds? If you promise not to judge I will tell you where I found them. Promise? Ok. The Dollar Tree! Yes, those little birdies were $1 and now have a happy little home on my TJ Maxx table :)

To go along with the bird theme, I got this magnetic calendar. I promise the birds aren't everywhere in the room!! Just little accents here and there. I also picked up one for my Momma for Christmas. This is propped up on my dresser and looks beautiful!

 See that date? Yep, that's how long I've been wanting to do this post, y'all.

And one last thing that is completely off topic given that I have been talking about bedroom decor, but I really want to share it with you. I think I've mentioned at some point (and then again, maybe I haven't) that I coach middle school cheerleading at the school where I work.

Last week at our last practice before the Christmas break started, the other coach and I gave the girls little gift bags. Well, actually, it was my idea, so I bought the stuff, put the bags together and the other coach paid me half and bought the cards.

Here's the loot. A little notebook, Hello Kitty pens, a bead bracelet, lip gloss, and a Dubble Bubble ornament filled with bubble gum. Let me just say, this was a big hit! Our girls loved it!

Here is everything laid out on my counter, ready to bag!

The finished product, ready to go!

Oh geez, that was a long one! I hope you enjoyed it, though!

Oh, and I made a little purchase yesterday that I can't wait to share with you all! I think you will love it!

Tomorrow I'm going to be giving out my award! I am so excited about this you all! I'm hoping that with the hustle and bustle I can still get one of you fabulous ladies to answer some questions or do a guest post for me this week! I haven't figured that out yet, but I will by tomorrow.

As if I haven't bombarded you with enough pictures already, I leave you with this.....

Happy Monday, everyone!


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