

I do hope that you all had a lovely Christmas.....we certainly did. The snow has disappeared, the sky has been quite grey and dark.....perfect for hibernating for a few days, watching some films, playing games and doing jigsaws.....all enveloped in a post-Christmas haze of chocolatey treats, mince pies and hot's been blissful!

My lovely friend toriejayne has very kindly nominated me for a Homie award over at Apartment Therapy -thank you so much.....should you wish to vote, you can do so here.....home-design

Torie Jayne is an extremely talented designer and she has also been nominated in the "Home Cooking" section....if you take a look at her blog, you will instantly know that she must win!! Vote now!

Also nominated are lovely Meredith at countitalljoy and Kasey at lolabboutique in the "Kids at Home" section and Kim at mimicharmante and Jackie at home in the "Home Design" section.

All these girls write really good....seriously good....blogs and would honestly make much worthier winners than ends today, so don't delay!

Enjoy the rest of your holidays!


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