
It's a Love-Hate Relationship

Have I mentioned before that I'm very honest? I'm certain that I have. This post might should be the third installment of 'So, who is this girl?' but I decided against that, because I'm the boss around here! Anyway, I have seen a few things lately that have just annoyed me to no end. But before you go thinking, 'Boy, Julie is cranky pants today' there are also many things I've seen that I absolutely love. And those goods and bads got me thinking about writing this post.

I've never done one of these likes-dislikes posts, but I thought now was as good a time as any to reveal some more personal info. Actually, I've never done any kind of rant at all. If you want to read this and comment I would be flattered, if not, only a little bit of no offense taken.

Things that really get my panties in a wad:

Jillian 'freakin' Michaels- She was on Jay Leno the other night, and she absolutely made me want to claw my eyes out. If you love her, I'm sorry for saying this. If you can't stand her like me, then raise your glass.

Stupid drivers- I mean, come on, don't we all want to bust these people? Yup, thought so.

Crumbs in my milk- No, I do NOT dunk cookies in my milk. Guh-ross! I can't stand it!

People that don't dress appropriately for the weather- I saw an idiot standing outside Wal-Mart last night in short sleeves talking on his cell phone. FYI, fool, it is 15 degrees. Thought you might want to know.

This fella didn't get the memo, either.

People that take themselves too seriously- It's ok to laugh at yourself every now and then. It's ok to not look 'cool' all the time.

Going to the grocery store- I loathe the grocery store. It's never a pleasant experience, and I always run into someone that I think is judging me for the economy size bottle of wine in my cart.

Dirty hands and feet- Ok, call it random. I can't stand for my hands or feet to be dirty. I can deal with my hands being dirty for a short time (ie: while I'm cooking). However, the feet are a no-go. This girl does not like to go outside barefoot. thanks.

Not washing my face before bed- Can't.even.handle.this.

So for these things that are a royal pain in my booty this is all I can say....

Things that put a big smile on my face :)

Surprises- I live for a surprise! I never wanted to know my gifts at Christmas or for my birthday. I wasn't that kid.

Yes, just like that.

Southern accents- Makes me go weak in the knees.

Mojitos-My absolute favorite cocktail. Thank you, Cuba.

My big red sofa- I love it! I'm sitting on it right now :) It's so comfy and inviting!

My fantabulous rainboots- With the yucky weather that we've been having here lately these little babies have been a life saver!

Twenty bucks at Target last year!

Dressing up- I am a girlie girl through and through. I love to get dressed up! Whenever I get to pick out a cocktail dress to wear, watch out!

The beach- Right about now the beach would be ah-mazing..

Being organized- My planner is my bff. For real. I can't stand when things aren't organized and in order. It drives my mom a little crazy sometimes.

I ended on a pleasant note, didn't I? I just had to be cranky for a minute. That's ok though cause you're still here and you love me just the same.

You wanna know what else puts a big smile on my face?? The fact that two of my bestest bestest friends in the whole wide world are coming to visit me this weekend!!!!!! Did I forget to mention that? Well, I have been preoccupied preparing for their visit! I went to college with these girls and haven't seen them in quite a while. It's going to be wonderful!! I'm certain there will be a BIG post next week about it (with pictures, just a warning)!

On that note, I'm peacing out! Much love to you, sweeties!

Pictures via weheartit & google


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