1. I have lived in nine states and three countries.
2. I rarely drink tap water. I typically only drink bottled water (bad for my teeth, I know!).
3. I only wash my hair twice a week. I lucked out with EXTRA thick hair. However, on the downside it does take me an hour to dry it.
4. I am a paper addict! I LOVE all types of paper products, but I think Caspari plates and napkins might rank at the very top of my list.
5. I speak English, Spanish and a little French.
6. I am really bothered when people do not RSVP to an event or when they RSVP and do not show up.
7. I never had a TV in my room until I went to college.
8. I met JFK Jr. at the Peabody in Memphis. What a charming man!
9. I LOVE themed parties!
10. I have never been to Mexico (but I have been all over Central America).
11. Getting my mail is always such an exciting part of my day. I am always hopeful there will be loads of fun new magazines!
12. I want to go on a Safari someday.
13. I used to be very in to riding. I was even the champion of the beginner category for the country of Honduras when I was nine.
14. I think horseback riding is (or was) my only athletic talent. I am terrible at all other sports!
15. I LOVE food but am somewhat of a picky eater. I really do not care for fish and never crave meats.
16. I am extremely afraid of roaches. Of all the insects they are the one I just cannot deal with (spiders are a close second).
17. I am not a fan of amusement parks, but I do love the fair.
18. I have never been on a cruise, but want to do a Cunard getaway sometime soon.
19. I love to watch sports on TV and also love attending sporting events.
20. I had LOADS of obsessions when I was little (Lisa Frank, trolls, American Girl, Beanie Babies).
21. I got out of the Beanie Baby phase at the right time. I sold around 60 of mine for $7 to $10 each when we lived in Panama and then donated the rest to a local children's hospital.
22. I love to wrap gifts and arrange flowers! It is a creative outlet for me.
23. I once road my bike in to our pool. I used to ride around the pool when we lived in Honduras as I could not ride on the street and one day came too close to the corner...in I went...back wheels first.
24. I LOVE to stay incredibly BUSY!
25. I do not have a good voice, but I LOVE to sing in the car and at church.
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