"Let them eat cake!"

Today, at 3:58pm, I am another year older and another year wiser. 25 was certainly a FANTASTIC year! I traveled abroad numerous times, lived life to the fullest and learned far too many important lessons. I think the most important thing I have learned this past year is the meaning and definition of friendship. I have already touched upon this last month, but I think I am finally able to say for the first time in a long time I actually know who my true friends are. They are not the same people I would have guessed would be by best friends years ago, but they are the ladies I know I can call AND count on at 3am. As a new year dawns I am SO thankful to be blessed with a wonderful family and so many lovely friends here in Dallas. I look forward to another year spent doing what I love, surrounded by those that I love and I know that the coming year will certainly be just as enlightening as the last! Thank you to all of you who have made my 25th so wonderful and I look forward to sharing my 26th with you!
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