As you may have read, I am getting ready to set up a mini satellite bar area...why not have two bars, right? I think it will help the flow of party traffic in our house, and it will ensure that a drink is only an arms length away at all times (I hope that doesn't scare or offend you). I have been searching for tray-type tables and vintage bars for quite some time. I recently came across this West Elm beaut.
Sleek and perfectly-sized for our front room (the one with the foos...).
I also have this desire to modge podge inside part of the tray with something New Orleansy, but still original. I am sure I will get some suggestions that include the Times Picayune Saints coverage, but I am thinking more like vintage Nola menus. I will be hitting ebay, obviously!
Fab, no? And, reasonably priced at $179.00 (plus, I have a PB gift card that is burning a hole in my wallet!)
However, I cracked open my House Beautiful the other night to see this guy highlighted in its "Best!" section. Indeed, I agree that it should be highlighted as the best! (ESPECIALLY when you see where he hails from...)
Don't pass out. This mirror topped tray table is from KMart! $69.99.
Needless to say, both tables are very different looks, but they are both fab...and both easy on the wallet for purposes of our extra bar, which will, of course, featured the $3.50 martini glasses from Renaissance! I only wish I had executed this upgrade prior to our frigid Mardi. If only the trays could fit a King Cake and our Irish coffee simultaneously, we would be golden.
Happy Mardi Gras,
P.S. Posting will be very light for the next couple of days, but I figure my main contingent of readers (Who Dat Nation!) will be nowhere near a computer this weekend. We will be blissfully freezing on a parade route or enjoying a ball or snuggling up in a bar along a parade route or eating a King Cake at a party or, well, you get the picture. Lots of fabulous decadence going on here. Happy Mardi!
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