Nothing delights the girls (wow, that sounds very Mad Men of me) in our office more than the mid-morning adrenaline rush that comes with the daily arrival of the rue la la, one kings lane and gilt group sales in our in boxes. It usually involves a flurry of interoffice phone calls and emails seeking advice on whether to "pull the trigger." If you are not a working stiff, you will think that statement is sad/pitiful/depressing. Well, you're right. I agree, it is. That being said, don't be judgy and let the drones have their materialistic fun!
I know that is nothing new to those who read and use the interwebs, particularly those of you who are savvy shoppers. There have been countless bloggers who have volunteered to "invite" readers to be "members" of giltgroup and thank god for 'em! That being said, who knew they had a "home section!?" (My friend Jenny and I raising hands) Needless to say, clicking on that "secret" tab for me opened up yet a whole new world of mid-morning impulse internet shopping. I couldn't believe that this wonder had existed for so long without me knowing about it and, therefore, abusing it. Hi, Beau!
After a 2.2 second consult with Courtney "Opinions" S. (to allay any potential gilt), I promptly snatched up these fab and fine Thomas Paul beauts.

I like them placed horizontally instead of vertically. That could change.

Just an up close shot of my foo dogs. I have loved foos for a long time...I had a pair of bigger red ones that were Katrina-ed. These were the perfect tiny metallic replacement.
Don't the new snags look delightful paired with the orange West Elm finds? And, the greeny/turq perfectly mirrors the flecks of bluish/turq in our Amanda Talley painting located directly across from the pillows. AND, they really pick up the great minty green of the Bible Domino Book of Decorating.

If one of my 10 readers has any questions about sources, shoot me an email. I bet you can guess where most of the furni is from my best friend, Mr. Craig List. There is also a whole lot of Hable Construction going on.
Oh, and it must be noted that I purchased these two bad boys for under the regular price of one Thomas Paul pillow.
As an aside (sorry, these "asides" seem to be common place on this blog...with its whole four posts!)...Unfortunately, I was unable to use any gilt group credit towards the pillows. I stupidly thought that I wouldn't be able to find anything I loved, gilt-wise, and too-smart-for-my-own-britches thought that I could sell a Tory Burch tunic I bought from gilt on ebay instead of returning it for credit. Joke was on me. The tunic simply had to be returned or sold or burned because it was so fug it looked like a Mardi Gras float rider's costume (accurate observation, per Julie) AND it was so unflattering that it couldn't even be rehabilitated for my anticipated solid gold dancer Mardi Gras costume. I can email you a pic of it if you must see it, but I am actually too embarrassed to post a pic of it.
The long and short of this whole post is this....check out the home section on le It is "hidden" along the top bar on the left side. The sales seem to be posted weekly (from what I gather) and there are some deals and steals to be had. For example, right now Assouline is on there. If I had some mad money, I would want to buy this:

And this...

Gotta love a lil piece of Real Housewives NY literature...the author is Kelly Bensimmon.
If you need an invite to giltgroup, let me know, and I will send you one!
P.S. I saw Kate Hudson and Ryder at Earth Savers on Magazine Sunday. I chatted with Ryder, thinking the whole time, "Is this someone-that-I-know's kid?" I figured it out when I heard, "Ryder...come over here" and then a manicurist ran in to alert the spa area that Kate was RIGHT.OUTSIDE.THE.MANI.ROOM. I got up mid-mani to check her out, natch. She, of course, has a hot body and is beautiful....even in her enormous flannel shirt and ZERO makeup. Her hair was not did either. She also sounded super sweet...I heard her very very nicely thank the makeup counter lady who was helping her. xoxo, Gossip Girl
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