
Hot off the Presses!

Walking into CC's this morning to obtain a copy of the Times Pic (or 5) was the equivalent of walking into Toys R Us on Christmas Eve expecting to buy a Zsu Zsu pet.  In hindsight, apparently it was humorous to think that we could grab a copy of the paper as if it were any ole day of the week.  Natch, to satisfy many many out of state requests (and obtain a copy for ourselves), Lizzie --always my partner in crime for missions such as these-- and myself headed down to Howard Avenue to the main Times Picayune office to buy as many papers as we could. 

Wellll, we patiently waited behind about 200 people (with another 200 people behind us) for our papers.  The crowd was still on "the high" and occasionally a simple "Who Dat" would be called out to keep the energy up...not that there was any lack of endorphins.  As people would pull in and out of the parking lot, they would play "Stand Up and Get Crunk" and "The Saints Are Coming" for the lines. 

The whole process took about an hour, despite the fact that the papers ran out once and guess who was next in line?  After this brief snafu, about 5,000 more papers were produced and we bought the maximum -- 20 papers, thereby satisfying requests of friends and family from Manhattan to Orlando and Los Angeles to Chicago. 

Expect your respective deliveries, fans. 

Side of building...line wrapped around the front with about double that amount of people on the other side.

Lizzie patiently waiting and caffeinating with PJs.

                                                                    The Loot.



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