

Friday night I got some of very sad news, the senior director of Camp Greystone, Jim Miller III (or Jimdaddy as he is known in the Greystone world) passed away unexpectedly while eating dinner with his wife, Libby.
Anyone that has read this blog for some time knows how much I LOVE Camp Greystone! I was fortunate enough to attend camp for eleven summers and they were eleven incredible, life changing summers that I will never forget. They were made so special because of the Miller family. Camp Greystone has always been a wonderful camp, but it was Jimdaddy and his wife Libby who felt called by God to make their summer camp a Christian summer camp years ago. While enjoying dinner at Cafe Pacific in Dallas a few years ago Jimdaddy filled me in on this story. Today, you would never guess that a camp with a 2+ year wait list would have gone through such hard times when they made this Godly decision. However, Jimdaddy and Libby answered their calling and created one of the most amazing places on earth. From the moment mother and I walked in to the Memphis Racquet club twenty years ago and first met Jimdaddy and got the lowdown on Greystone they have held special places in our hearts.
Jimdaddy encouraged every single camper to have a great day every day of the year no matter what challenges they presented at his morning breakfast club; "it's going to be a GREAT day and I feel TERRIFIC" was his slogan! He was truly one of the most positive and inspiring people I have ever come to know and I feel blessed to have come so close to him over the past five years. Jimdaddy always wore a smile and his energy was contagious. He was such an established man a true gentleman who touched the lives of more people than he will ever know. He played football at Kentucky, he served our country in time of war and he even ran for political office. However, above all else Jimdaddy was a man of God. Today, my heart will be in the mountains of North Carolina...Jimdaddy you were simply the best!!
"As you travel through life whatever may be your goal, keep you eye on the doughnut and not on the hole."


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