
This and That

I started watching Downton Abbey last night and stayed up far too late. I missed this when it was on PBS in January, but was certainly sucked in last night. If you have Netflix you can watch this onDemand, otherwise it is a MUST rent!! I cannot wait to watch the second segment this evening.
I updated the post below after I got several comments and emails about the cups and straws I used at my birthday this weekend. The cups are basic, 20 oz Styrofoam cups that are available from any paper store. I had never seen any with a monogram and thought it would be cute so I ordered mine with a large, script monogram from our Junior League store. I got 100 for around $50. I would HIGHLY recommend getting the 20 oz cup as the more common, 16 oz is sort of dinky. These are great gifts and perfect for taking in the car too. I LOVE mine!
The straws were purchased at Target a few years ago. They are from the Cynthia Rowley line and are the hard, reusable straws. I throw them in the dishwasher after each use and they are as good as new for the next time.
Those of you that have been to St. John's, what are your MUSTS for a trip there? I am going with friends in June and the planning has begun so I would love your input too!
I have several luncheons and weddings this Spring and Summer and have loved browsing all the new clothing additions to some of my favorite sites.
I was especially excited to see so many classic cuts this year. I am more bland in the minds of many and sometimes boring when it comes to styles and prefer to buy things I can wear for years. So, the above Lilly and below Kate Spade dresses really fit my wardrobe check list.

Finally, I am SO excited Gwyneth is going to be on another episode of Glee. Like Summer is a Verb I have loved Gwennie for years and cannot get enough of her these days! Set you TiVo for March 8th!


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