
I'm Just Bein' Miley

I think I may still be a tween at heart.  Is it sad and/or creepy that I have now placed two orders for my "real person house" at Pottery Barn Teen (and we have no tweens, teens or even children living here)?  Yes.  It is.  It is okay, you can say it...until you see my purchases, that is!

I have already shown you the PB Teen "Polka Dottie" shower curtain in action here.  That being said, here she is again. 

Awkward snap, but you can get the idea, right?  (ignore the horrendous iPhone lighting and weird angle...)

My guest bath is the poor man's version of Kate Spade's bano, my favorite of all time.

I love that her bathroom is "real" looks comfortably regular with the clawfoot in front of the window, older tile, and pedestal sink.  Obviously, however, with the paper and curtain, it is anything but normal!

Now, my Tiger Beat collection grows.  I plan to order two of these. 

In yellow

They will then be promptly sent to Orlando to Courtney where she will graciously obtain the "coin mono" for them.  It is odd that I cannot find one monogramming or embroidery store in Nola (or online for that matter!) that can rock "the coin" for me.  It is soooo worth the shipping costs and Courtney's blood, sweat and tears, is it not?

Sharp, no!  Thanks for lending the image, Cup Cate. 

These two guys will be on the guest room bed along with the JA napkin turned pillow.  I will snap all of it once it is placed into action. 

Remember him?  I have decided on kelly green backing....

The moral of this post?  Do not be afraid to open the pages of the random PB Teen catalog you may receive in the mail.  Ignore this. 

Although, this would be our master bedding if Beau was left unattended. 

And this...

Peace sign light fixture that is surely not inexpensive.

And this...

Just advise this necessary?  I don't know about video games.   Seriously, if it is, let me know. 

To get to this...

Nothing juvenile about this side table in white.

Or this.

Spindley for a sun porch...and white can always be painted, of course.

I love a flokati matter the source!

Add a different shade, and you are done and done. 

Let me know if you have ever incorporated PB Teen (or similar big box stores aiming at tweens and teens) into your "adult" home decor. 



P.S.  VERY exciting news!  The awesome blogger, Ellen M. Hill of All That Inspires (one of my standard daily reads) passed on this award to me.  (blush, blush, blush)


So so so very sweet...and a wonderful reminder that I am not blogging alone to the world wide interwebs. 
Thank you again, Ellen!  And, gimleters...definitely check out Ellen's blog if you already haven't.  I only wish I had half of her creativity and maturity back in the day when I was a wee student.  She has an incredibly bright future ahead of her. 


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