
Kitchen Tour Teaser

The Junior League of New Orleans hosts an annual "Kitchen Tour" fundraiser each Spring.  The Tour has been particularly interesting since Katrina as it has highlighted kitchens in devastated neighborhoods that are still recovering.  Accordingly, many of the kitchens on the Tour of late have been very recently renovated or completely built from the ground up. 

This year's Tour includes two neighborhoods, Lakeview and Uptown, and is set for next Saturday, March 27, 2010.  The sale of the tickets goes 100% to Junior League funded projects. can contribute to bettering New Orleans all while enjoying some kitcheny eye candy and hopefully gaining some new ideas for your own spaces. 

I definitely plan to detail the highlights of the Tour for you gimleters, but figured I would include a sneak scan of my favorite kitchen so far.  This choice, of course, is only based upon the spread in New Orleans Homes and Lifestyles, but I think it is a great space.  Such a bright, clean and contemporary room.  It is airy, yet compact.  Nice work!

I particularly love their bar stools....I have the side chair in the same style from Arteriors (well, it is Arteriors, but do you know where I got it?  The Home and Garden Warehouse on the Northshore. We need to talk about that mecca soon), and it is hot!

I think it will be interesting to see the current kitchen trends in New Orleans and compare them to what is going on in the design world at large.  I hope you will enjoy it as well!  If you are interested in purchasing a tic, head to the JLNO website

(Warning:  My snaps may be a little boozy, though...I was invited to go in on a limo ride with some friends as part of a "Kitchen Tour Package."  Genius fundraising, Spring, friends, drinks!)



P.S.  I snapped this sign recently in my neighborhood. 

I love anything that has "upscale" and "yard sale" in the same sentence.  I plan to attend...early bird style.  Let me know if you are interested.  As hopefully evidenced by this blog, I am a good scavenger and would love to assist you in any "fug" or "fab" quandaries. 


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