I have included a post from my mother's blog below. She and several other expats have started a fundraising effort in New Delhi, India. They are making fabulous shirts and the FABULOUS Annechovie has kindly offered to help them design their next shirt! Be sure to check the Fading Ladies out...they ship to the US!!!
PS- this is my 800th post; I cannot believe it!!!
A group of 7 expat and diplomatic wives were chatting one morning at the club. We were talking about different slogans that reflect life in Delhi. One of us said that our ideas would be great on t-shirts and VOILA, "The Fading Ladies" was established. Our goal is strictly to raise money for charity. We each made an initial investment and everything we make after expenses goes to our chosen charity. Our first charity was Jaipur Foot. They make new legs and feet for people that cost about US $35.00 each. You can see them above.
Shirts to Wear

Our first shirt is on the right and says in Hindi, "I am not a tourist, I live here!" It always gets a positive response and very often a smile or laugh. The red shirt says, "I'm with sir." Sir gets all of the respect here and you really must have your husband sign to do almost anything as an expat in Delhi if you are here due to his job. The household employees also call your husband sir and of course, we are madam.
Our next shirt is absolutely FANTASTIC!!!! Anne Harwell of Annechovie, designed it gratis and we are also going to sell tote bags with her design. The 7 of us at Fading Ladies are completely thrilled and honored that Anne was more that generous. Isn't the blog world great?
Please check out our website at: http://www.fadingladies.blogspot.com/
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