I read an interview a couple of months ago in one of my favourite magazines where someone famous was talking about the "best things in their life"....she listed many things, the final one of which was her friends because, as she so beautifully put it, "they're your glue aren't they?"
The comment stayed with me and it really summed up - perfectly - how I feel about my own friends.
I've talked on a few occasions about my own friends....my oldest friends are my friends from Uni, girls who I lived with the first time that I left home, who knew me pre-marriage & children, the girls who know my deepest, most personal secrets, my most embarrassing moments and who I shared some of my best-ever times with. We are all mothers now and aren't all in London anymore...we see each other twice a year usually....laughing uncontrollably at the same stories, we are absolutely a mutual admiration society. I never see them without coming away feeling a million times better about everything, even when I never knew I needed to feel better!
I then have my "playground" friends, mothers who I became friends with when my children were at preschool and subsequently I am now at primary school with....I count myself very lucky to have a really solid group of these, friends who I could call at 2 minutes before school pickup time if I got stuck somewhere, completely reliable and trustworthy friends who I can be myself with who, once again, I trust with my secrets, my weaknesses, to share the "bad mother" moments with, who will cry with me at the sad bits and who know when we need to share a quick coffee before getting on with our days.
I also have my "online" friends....friends who I met over ten years ago online and who, although I have only met one of them, are as dear and important to me as those friends who I see every day. I know that you don't necessarily have to have met someone to be really good friends with them, to feel supported by them and just to "get" each other.
I have also now met people via my blog who I am so happy to call my friends, that has been a really wonderful surprise and gift!
I hope that I'm a good friend.....I try really hard to be.
I firmly believe that friendship is a two way street, I know that some friendships are limited to a particular time in your life and sometimes there is a reason you don't move forward together and I think that sometimes people come back into your life when they are meant to and for a good reason.
I know that trust is an absolute essential as is the knowledge that you can be totally honest and open, giving your heart and sharing your feelings. Sometimes only a look is needed, no words required.
I do think that the older you get, the more you appreciate your friends each and every day. I truly do not know where I would be without mine. They are my safety net, the "family" I did choose and my life really would not be the same without them. I don't mind admitting they are my glue, holding me together, some days more than others....
The best friends nurture you, they renew you and they support you, making you feel better about yourself and giving you self-belief and confidence. They also make you laugh like heck, remember everything you tell them and notice when you've got new shoes/been to the hair salon/lost 5lbs :)
I loved absolutely everything about it....it's about a group of very close friends from Paris and events that take place during a month during their summer....the trailer is below and I don't want to say too much.....but it's about their shared history, the ties that bind, the things they know about each other - and the little things that they never knew. It's a fantastic portrait of friendship.
Please see the film, it's both very funny and very moving - the acting is wonderful and the setting gorgeous!!
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