Well. I have undergone a change of heart. Dwell has infused some perfectly-timed new energy into its Tarj goods based upon what I am about to show you.
I could not be more thrilled with the latest and greatest shower curtain. Haven't seen much like this, now.
Lobster Shower Curtain for $24.99
WHAT? Showstopper in your navy blue striped bathroom with crispy white tiles. Let's throw in some yellow accents. Next.
Brown and white napkins. Set of four for $9.99.
I legitimately do not see any difference between these good looking guys and the regular Dwell napkins.
60 x 84 inch tablecloth for $19.99
Perfect for a table (obvious), but dare I say it may be worth framing (after cutting into panels) for the look of framed wallpaper at a FRACTION of the price?
I may have to buy all three...with nowhere for the lobster shower curtain to go. Just sayin'.
Happy Friday!
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