Good Things About Today
1. Absolutely glorious sunshine right now (yes, it was hailing this morning but right now it is gorgeously sunny and that is a very good thing)
2. My lovely brother has come to stay for two days...we all love having him around, he's the funny brother/uncle/brother in law and he makes us smile :)
(It is a strange but true thing that secretly my husband and I both find him funnier than we find each other!!....having my brother to stay can be a bit like the episode in "Friends" where Chandler tries to prove to Monica that he's "the funny one", my husband suddenly starts madly telling jokes! Luckily we have all known each other a very long time!!)
3. I went out for lunch with my daughter and have ordered food to be delivered for beautifully spotless kitchen will last at least until the morning and will enjoy every minute of it :)
4. I don't believe in keeping things "for best" or special occasions, I think you should use things every day and simply enjoy a mad spring-cleaning drive at the week-end, I found quite a few things that I love but had put, they're all out and I am loving it :)
5. Fresh cream Victoria Sponge....made on Sunday....simple and delicious.
6. I took half an hour to just read this afternoon...something I very rarely do. Am currently (and finally) reading "Brick Lane" by Monica Ali....excellent so far.
7. I think my Summer Reading List is now complete - will order tonight....I do love new books, especially a pile of them. (Will share my list later this week and have a great giveaway to accompany it).
8. It's June tomorrow. No idea where the year has gone but that must mean that summer is one day nearer. As is the beach.
9. I found a song that I love (actually, it's one my husband told me about) and I have had it on repeat all day long on iTunes. What can I's a happy song that makes me want to dance and who doesn't love that :)
10. Evening sunshine.
All I can see from my kitchen window is green leaves and sunshine dappling on my blinds....fabulous. I love it when a day ends like this.
Happy Tuesday!!
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