
Recent Bargains!

I had not been to TJ Maxx and Marshall's in almost two months until this past weekend and I must admit I think I was missing out! I either hit both stores right after they unpacked a shipment or else no one has my taste.
I got these darling cupcake trays to use for birthdays. I plan to put a bunch of gourmet cupcakes (tomorrow I will introduce you to my new, favorite cupcake institution) and give these to friends as a birthday treat. Tres cute and festive!
Obviously, I ran right over to the paper goods when I walked into the Maxx. I am addicted to all paper products as you know. Well, I was not let down last weekend. I scored loads of fun, preppy napkins (I LOVE the Caspari sea animal print!) and a Macbeth Collection extra large jot pad.
When I spotted these darling elephant pajamas I knew I had to find my size. After quite a bit of searching I found a set for myself; victory! I LOVE this fabric! These pajamas will always remind me of India and my elephant ride...which was almost exactly one year ago today!
If you follow me on Twitter you are sure to have already seen these amazing bird cages. I spotted these at Marshall's and the first thing that came to mind was how chinoiserie chic they are. While the color is perfectly fine I am planning to spray paint these (perhaps gold) and will actually use them for something only than outdoor, tree decor. I am thinking they might look wonderful with ivy growing up them in a kitchen on dining room. Only time will tell!
So there you have it, my amazing finds! Now, will you believe that I got everything pictures plus a box of Think Thin bites and more napkins for just $60? If you seek you shall find!


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