Happy 4th of July!!
"Two-hundred-and-thirty years ago, 56 brave men signed their names to a document that set the course of our nation. It changed the history of the world. Our Declaration of Independence was a bold statement of revolutionary principles. It laid down a creed of freedom and a quality that has lifted the lives of hundreds of millions here in America and around the world. Yet, without the courage of the soldiers of our Continental Army, the words of the Declaration would have been forgotten by history, dismissed as the radical musings of a failed revolution.
We celebrate Independence Day each year because that ragtag group of citizen soldiers challenged the world's most powerful military, secured our liberty and planted a standard of freedom to which the entire world has aspired."
President George W. Bush, July 4th 2006, Fort Bragg
We celebrate Independence Day each year because that ragtag group of citizen soldiers challenged the world's most powerful military, secured our liberty and planted a standard of freedom to which the entire world has aspired."
President George W. Bush, July 4th 2006, Fort Bragg
While we all enjoy a day of fun in the sun and some all-American meals I also hope we pause and remember that today is a day to think of all those who are serving our country. Today is a day to give thanks for our freedom and because of all our men and women in uniform we are lucky enough to live in the land of the free and home of the brave! They make freedom possible and we will forever be indebted to them. No matter where you may be in the world, as an American you owe it all to those courageous men and women. God Bless America!
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