

This is the day which the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24
It is hard to believe it has been SIX months since my birthday party at Tory Burch and SIX months since I turned 25. I guess the saying "time flies when you are having fun" is most certainly true!
Today is my 25 and a half birthday. Now, before you all start judging I want you to know I do NOT celebrate my half birthday. Earlier this week it simply dawned on me that my half birthday was in August, and not only August, but later in the week...what an ideal time for this to dawn on me! When I started thinking about the past six months I was just thankful. I feel like I have packed so much into a short amount of time and each day tends to be even better than the day before. Now of course I have made MANY mistakes daily, said not-so-nice things, been extra negative and experienced lows, but overall I look back and smile. I feel so lucky to still have a wonderful job, caring family and great friends. It is so easy to take things for granted when they become "normal," but I really am SO incredibly blessed.
Another huge blessing is this blog. Just this afternoon I mentioned to someone that when I started my little blog two years ago I never once thought it would become such a big part of my life. I never set out to meet people, let alone meet friends when blogging. I simply wanting to share my favorite things and some fun memories with my family, friends and the occasional 'lurker.' However, now, not a day goes by that I do not pay a visit this site or talk to a blog friend. In the past six months I have been featured in The New York Times, been connected to numerous old friends and been asked to host an in store party all because of the little blog that could. It amazes me how many marvelous opportunities I have been given through blogging and yet again I feel so very lucky! God has continued to bless me in more ways than I ever dreamed.
Only time shall tell what God has planned for the last six months of my 25th year. No matter the circumstances and the ups and downs I know I am truly blessed! Thank you to all those that love and support me day in and day out- you make the world go round!


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