
Questions Answered

Several of you all have left questions in comments or sent some via email and the last few weeks. I decided to answer them on here as many of you have the same questions. Happy reading!

*What paint colors did you use?*

All my paint is from Sherwin Williams. I got very lucky and just happened to buy mine when they were having a huge sale. The living/dining room is Scanda; the kitchen is Exuberant Pink and my bedroom is Lighthearted Pink.

*What kind of spray paint did you use on your bar cart?*

I used Rust-Oleum spray paint from Home Depot. There is a matte gold and a extra shiny gold. I used the matte gold on my coffee table (post to come later today) and the shiny on my birdcages and bar cart.

*Do you collect milk glass?*

No, I do not collect any milk glass at this time.

*What plate hangers do you use?*

I use plate hangers made by Tri-Par which I purchase at a local china shop called The Ivy House. Many antique stores also carry this brand and they can also be purchased online. I am not a fan of the plate hangers found at Target. The ones I use are a bit more substantial and only a tad more at $2 each.

*How do I keep things on my stainless fridge?*

I use stronger magnets and have had no issues unless the paper is extremely thick. I have secured some thicker items with multiple magnets just in case.

*I cannot find you on Facebook, but want to add you as a friend; can you add me?*

After a few issues I now only add people I know/have met on Facebook. However, I have a Facebook fan page for Monograms and Manicures which is frequently updated and I am also on Twitter so there are numerous ways to keep up with me via social media outlets.

*How did you make your new header?*

I am writing a separate post about this actually. It is incredibly easy though :)

*I am going to India and would like the name of your purse marker. Can you send their information to me?*

Unfortunately, I cannot pass on the purse makers information. Consider this a blessing in disguise as they are EXTREMELY difficult to find (it took us numerous tries and hours to find the shop even with explicit directions and a driver who know New Delhi like the back of his hand.) and not the quickest on meeting deadlines. However, he does make beautiful bags and I will likely have more available in October and January.


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