
Tell Me Something : Lou, Boos and Shoes

Hello, hello...I am Lou from 'Lou, Boos and Shoes'. Simone asked me to do a guest post and of course I happily obliged; always a pleasure to 'visit' here. This blog 'The Bottom of the Ironing Basket' was literally the single main prompt for me to start my blog, so to say it was an inspiration is an understatement! I love Simone's words and pictures and her fabulous (and not just on Fridays) outlook on life...and over time I have been lucky enough to count Simone as a firm friend.

These are my thoughts in response to Simone's questions:

Town or Country?
I am a country girl; I live in a farmhouse surrounded by fields so my first view in the morning is LAND! I love going to town too, but at the end of the day I am consistently and endlessly grateful to get home to my little corner of England's pleasant pasture.

image by me
Music or Books?
Books - my absolute and categoric first love. Just this week, Boo and I went book shopping and I got this memory-jolt of how much I love buying new books. The promise and hope of all those unread pages!

Perfect day - shopping/spa or doing absolutely nothing?
Hmm, tricky...I would say one followed by the other. I was born to shop and so a day which features that activity has my vote...but the lure of doing nothing? With my level of perpetual busyness, the prospect of doing not much is delectable, I must say.

my fridge door...and some words of wisdom from Simone's blog
London, Paris, New York or Sydney?
I have never been to Sydney but I think it would be right up my street. London and Paris are of course  very special, but my favourite would have to be New York. I have very fond memories of a visit there when my husband and I were first wed; we spent our first wedding anniversary up the Empire State followed by oysters at Grand Central Station Oyster Bar.

Bread or Cake?
Cake. Always. That's all.

via Cannelle et Vanille
McDreamy or McSteamy?
McDreamy. You're talking about that delightful doctor on 'Grey's Anatomy' aren't you Simone?! Patrick Dempsey? Yep, DREAMY!

Romantic Hero or Action Hero?
Give me Harrison Ford in 'Indiana Jones'... I like the old school action ;-)

Prince William or Prince Harry?
Prince William...the first born son.

Catherine or Pippa?
Catherine - I think she is flawless and is turning into such an incredible ambassador for our country. Those images from Canada of her looking so at ease...and as for the wedding day...well what can I say? She was rather exquisite.

via here

Heels or favourite winter boots?
Given that I am, of late, going through some sort of mid life crisis, I would confess I have changed my mind on this one. Historically always heels, but now, well I am kinda leaning towards boots...

via salt water wishes
French chic or Italian sex appeal?
French's something often emulated, very rarely achieved!

Chocolate or Coffee?

Great shoes or gorgeous underwear?
I am also going to change my tune on this one. I would have previously said shoes, end of story. I even named my blog after shoes...however I have recently been converted to the most fabulous french lingerie and I have to say: it's my new best thing.

lingerie by Marie Jo
Pedicure, manicure or massage?
All three please.

Talk it out or keep it to yourself?
OMG talk it out. Completely. I can keep a secret, but when it comes to my own worries I have a wonderful select group of friends with whom I share big time. I don't know where I'd be without them.

Karaoke - first to sing, last to sing or absolutely-no-way-not-ever?
No way not ever. Can not sing a note.

1. One beauty product that you would recommend or can't live without?
Ren Rose Ultra Moisture Serum.

2. One book you would recommend to anyone or that you love and often return to?
I have one book I love to re-read and I always return to it; it's called 'Couples' by John Updike. I am no sure I would recommend it to anyone as it's quite dark and explicit at times. It's about adultery in the 1960s.

photograph by Olivia Graham

3. One item you would take to a desert island (can't be a person!)
Lip balm.

4. One life-changing moment?
When a new family moved onto our road in the early 1980s...that boy on his bike was to become my husband.

5. One movie that makes you cry every time?
Oh my goodness, there are so many! I cry every time I watch many films, but if I had to pick one that causes tears every time; I guess it would be 'She's Having a Baby' directed by John Hughes. What can I say? I am an 80s child!

6. Who would play the handsome hero in the movie of your life?
Can I opt for George Clooney?

7. How long have you known your oldest friend?
I have friends from University whom I still count as some of my closest and dearest, so I met that group of girls (there are six of us) in 1992. Coming up for twenty years...

8. Your favourite book/movie/song?
I have this theory about films that if one of my favourite films is on TV, I will watch it no matter what time it is and how tired I am. I couldn't possibly name an all-time favourite but these feature in a top ten: The Thomas Crown Affair, Some Like it Hot, Four Weddings/Love Actually/Notting Hill, Beautiful Girls, Just Good Friends, Juno... I could go on and on...

9. Three dream cities you have yet to visit?
Seattle, Tokyo, Sicily.

10. Three things still on your bucket list?
Write a book.
Become super fit - really use the potential of my body.
Achieve inner calm.

11. School days - happy or sad, good or bad memories?
Happy days...I simply could not fathom now, looking back, how much possibility lay before me!

12.  What - or who - always makes you feel better on those more challenging days?
My Mum.

13. Recommend a blog to us?
Everyday Musings...the posts from this summer have been something precious.

14. Happier now than you were at 20....honestly?!
Hell yea.

Please describe yourself in ONE WORD ONLY :)

And finally, what is the one thing you know for sure?
One thing I know for sure is that no matter how much you plan, you never know what is around the corner. I am learning now to just 'be'; to understand and appreciate what I have and to accept that I can't influence a lot of what happens. I am OK with that...!

Love and kisses,
Lou xxx


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