

Last weekend in India was also mother's last weekend (my father's was this past weekend) and being the social butterfly that my mother is (that term is really an understatement when it comes to her) there were loads of going away parties!
I personally think it would be very difficult to move overseas without children. When you have children you seem to be consumed with getting them settled and you can meet people instantly in their parents friends. Now, of course you might not become best friends with their parents friends, but it is easier to meet people right away. With this being said, I have to say my mother proves my theory entirely wrong.
I consider myself a very BUSY person, but never in my life have I (or Cassie!) had so many social engagements. My mother literally knew EVERYONE in New Delhi and always had something going on. As you know, the first day we were in India she threw a huge fete with 50 friends that morning and then that afternoon we had tea at the British High Commission and then a huge party that night...just another day in New Delhi. Mother is always on the go and is SO wonderful at meeting people and making friends. She really is the type of friend I strive to be.
So, it came as no surprise that the social agenda was again packed at the end of my trip and her time in India. We attended two marvelous going away parties last Sunday (that was just the beginning because there were loads more after I left on Monday). I was most struck by all the kind words people had for my parents. My mother has accomplished so much in such a short amount of time. She is amazing!
As sad as it was to leave India for the last time we all have friends and memories that will last us a lifetime! I think mother also has loads of trips all over the world planned now too. Being social is a way of life and her norm! Time may come and go and things may change, but good friends will last you a lifetime.


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