1) What is your favourite time of day?
I would absolutely love to say that it is early morning....drinking a quiet cup of Earl Grey in the kitchen, looking peacefully out of the window at the morning mist....planning the day ahead or enjoying half an hour's yoga while the rest of the house is fast asleep but it seems impossible to wake up ahead of my children who have not yet mastered the art of the "lie-in"! One day.....
I have become something of a late night potterer/putterer....I love the peace and quiet, I put music on, make a large mug of tea and get to work. It's often a really productive time for me.
....what a view....
....a perfect spot for that first cup of tea of the day....
2) Where and when did you meet the love of your life?
I met my husband sixteen years ago.....after graduating, I had worked in London for a while and met him just after I had returned from nine months working in NYC. We worked near each other, got chatting, we were both moving to north London at the same time, I moved into my flat in Hampstead, he came round to help me move in....and the rest, as they say, is history :) Timing is everything....he didn't know he wanted to get married, but happily he was persuaded!!
3) What three words would your friends outside the blogging world use to describe you?
Loyal, dependable and positive (hopefully!)
4) What country would you like to visit and why?
Really difficult to choose...I would love to visit Africa but am terrified of spiders and snakes. I would like to summer in Cape Cod or Martha's Vineyard, I would like to go to some of the Scandinavian countries, Russia, San Francisco, Buenos Aires, Hawaii, I haven't been to NYC for ten years....so many places really. If I had to say one country right now....it would probably be Canada for the stunning scenery, I love huge landscapes....
5) What is your favourite dish to cook?
I am working on being a better cook, it's one of my goals for the next year....I wish I could wow you with some amazing signature dish....but I can't be anything less than honest. I like to cook traditional English food - roasts and dishes such as shepherds pie. My husband is a fabulous cook and so he cooks at Christmas (and all other holidays!)....he's an instinctive cook who doesn't need recipes and really enjoys putting ingredients together....he's Italian, need I say more! It's a challenge cooking for someone who is a much better cook than you will ever be! I love to bake and am great at desserts, pies and cakes - and I'm very good at mashed potatoes :)
"My favourite thing to make for dinner is reservations...."
6) Salt or sugar?
Definitely sugar, I do have a sweet tooth as opposed to a savoury one. I love chocolate, particularly Cadburys which is my favourite in the whole world! I can appreciate other "luxury" brands but Cadburys milk chocolate cannot be beaten in my opinion.
7) What are your must have make-up or beauty items?
Moisturiser, particularly serums which I very fond of at the moment - I have been using Boots No 7's Protect and Perfect for a few months now and LOVE it. I always wear foundation and mascara (Chanel), I love perfume, lip balm and hand cream. If I had to choose one item it would be the serum which makes my skin feel fabulous.
8) What are your favourite flowers?
Roses, hydrangea, poppies, peonies and sweet peas....
9) What do you think are your worst vices, honestly?
I am particularly good at justifying things to myself so it's quite hard to think of vices!
Possibly spending money I don't have, having a vision but sometimes being distracted, I can be stubborn (I am a typical Taurean) in as much as you can be stubborn when you are a parent (!).... and I am physically incapable of eating just one biscuit/cookie/chocolate....
10) At what time of your life were you happiest and why?
I am a very happy, positive, glass-half-full-and-about-to-run-over person, I just can't help it. I didn't have the happiest childhood and my parents had a very messy divorce when I was eight, the fall-out of which affected us all for years.
In spite of that - or maybe because of it - I do seem to have the ability though to place the horrible, sad, messy and unhappy stuff in a box, put it away, look forward and move on. I've always been like that really and I don't really know why. It certainly doesn't mean that I don't deal with it - I have definitely done that - but I just look to the good and positive in life. I am very emotional but can always see the positive side of everything.
Really truly happy times for me were.....
summer holidays in Wales on the beach with my grandparents....
My first job after graduation working in investments in the City of London, I had some great times there....
My first trip to NYC with my husband before we were married....
Our honeymoon in Antigua (blissful after months of very stressful wedding planning!)....
The arrival of both my children...my daughter arrived two weeks early literally as we were in the middle of moving house...it was all so quick, I had no time to panic, it was all totally surreal. My son was two weeks late and was the little boy that I had hoped and wished for (we didn't find out the sex with either of our babies), that was a magical moment....
I would say that I'm pretty happy right now...I feel happy with myself, my children are so happy at school, I have fabulous friends....this feels like a good time for me :) It doesn't take much to make me happy, I can be alone and feel totally content....
I pass this tag onto the following blogs I love to read:
Melissa at Miss Sew and So
Lori at Wildflowers
Lara at The Sweet Life Of You
Happy Wednesday!
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