
Tell Me Something : ME :)

Town or Country?
Definitely town...I need streetlights and sirens :)

Music or Books?
Hard to choose but it would have to be books.

Perfect day - shopping/spa or doing absolutely nothing?
Any day where I can do things at my own pace.....I am very happy pottering around.

London, Paris, New York or Sydney?
New York for its energy....and many happy memories for me.

Bread or Cake?
SO hard to choose. Cake I think. Unfortunately ;)

McDreamy or McSteamy?
I was late discovering "Grey's Anatomy" but was quickly addicted to it.
McDreamy all the way.

Romantic Hero or Action Hero?
Romantic Hero.

Prince William or Prince Harry?
Love them both. Prince William for me although Harry does have an irresistable twinkle.

Catherine or Pippa?
Both lovely girls, Catherine for me though.

Heels or favourite winter boots?
Winter not quite ready for them yet but I soon will be.

French chic or Italian sex appeal?
The Italians for sure!

Chocolate or Coffee?

Great shoes or gorgeous underwear?
Great shoes.

Pedicure, manicure or massage?
Probably a good pedicure.

Talk it out or keep it to yourself?
I'm a talker (surprise surprise!).....but actually, I talk much more easily about other's people "stuff" than my own. I do think that eldest children have a natural tendency to get on and sort things out by husband is the same.

Karaoke - first to sing, last to sing or absolutely-no-way-not-ever?
I start off by saying no way but then.....there I am!! Only with friends though :)

1. One beauty product or routine that you would recommend or can't live without?

2. One book you would recommend to anyone or that you love and often return to?
"One Day" by David Nicholls was my favourite book last year.
"Sarah's Key" by Tatiana de Rosnay was my favourite read this summer.
"One Thousand Splendid Suns" by Khaled Hosseini is a book that I would recommend to anyone, it's an amazing read.

3. One item that you would take to a desert island (can't be a person!)?
My iPod.

4. One life-changing moment?
My husband proposing to me on a cycle ride one December Sunday in Central was a total surprise, I felt as though as I watching myself in a movie!

5. One movie that makes you cry every time?
I cry at everything, most movies make me cry, I honestly can't single one out!

6. Who would play the handsome hero in the movie of your life?
Patrick Dempsey please :)

7. How long have you known your oldest friend?
My very closest friends are my Uni friends so since I was 18.

8. Your favourite book/movie/song?
I just can't chooose! Way too many....

9. Three dream cities you have yet to visit?
San Francisco, Rio de Janeiro, Barcelona

10. Three things still on your bucket list?
Driving across the US with my family, spending the summer in Cape Cod, travelling the world! 

11. School days - happy or sad, good or bad memories?
I loved school, all good memories.

12. What - or who - always makes you feel better on those more challenging days?
My girlfriends.
My children with their hugs.
My brother when it comes to family.

13. Recommend a blog to us?
Melissa is a lovely writer....and she has a wonderful life.
She has great integrity and is one of those people who has a spirit you are totally drawn to.

14. Happier now than you were at 20....honestly?! have no idea how much!
Yes, yes, YES!!!

Please describe yourself in ONE WORD ONLY :)

And finally, what is the one thing you know for sure?
There is always someone worse off than you. Always.

Life goes really really fast....take time to smell the roses.

There's nothing as good as really great girlfriends.

Give it a try....what's the worst that could happen?

Be nice. Everyone has their own battles. You never know what people are going through.

A huge thank you to everyone who wrote such fabulous guest-posts for me when I was on holiday in France....
thank you for answering my (many) questions and for saying yes!
I loved reading them all :)

I'm back from France....just in time for autumn :)


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