
Friday Randoms

What a week this has been! On Tuesday it felt like Friday and now that it is Friday I somehow feel like the week flew by. I promise to be back to regular posting next week, but as for today, here is what is on my mind:

*I am still working on getting back on track with emails. I am down to just 42 in my inbox...hooray!

*I got to meet Peggy Post last night! For as long as I can remember, a copy of Emily Post's Etiquette book has been laying around our house or my room so this was a real thrill. Though I missed the Q&A portion of the evening, I did get a copy of the newest addition of the book, had it signed and got a photo with Peggy Post and friends Melissa and Miranda!

*One of my sponsors and favorite clothing brands, Elizabeth McKay, is being featured on Uscoop. Like Groupon, Uscoop offers deals and the Elizabeth McKay deal is almost too good to be true. You can buy a $150 for $75 and you are not limited to just one deal, you can actually buy two! I have had my eye on another Scotland dress (I wore my navy to the Essie party) as well as the McKay blouse....decisions, decisions! Sign up for Uscoop here and be on your way to being the best dress girl in town in your Elizabeth McKay!

*I went to the Texas State Fair this week with Southern Vogue and we enjoyed the best organic food in the city. Just kidding! Unless you consider fried food and sugar to be organic we did not partake in any healthy eating on Wednesday, but the fair only comes once a year, right?
*Last week I was in need of some new under-eye concealer but was not wanting to brave NorthPark. I happened to pop into CVS and spotted the Maybelline Dark Circle Eraser and decided to give it a try. I used this for the first time yesterday and was blown away. It is simply phenomenal and I only wish I had found it sooner. This product costs about a third of what my "luxury" concealer costs and it works SO.MUCH.BETTER! If you are in the market for something new, give this a whirl! Please note I have not been compensated to write about this product, I found it on my own and love it.
*I am going to work on some Halloween printables this weekend. I decided to have a little Halloween party next Sunday so it is time to get busy before I get "Booed"!
That is all for now, I hope you all have a splendid weekend!!!


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