

Hi, Gimlet Nation!  Oh, how I have missed you so!  Sorry for my abrupt departure, but, for security reasons, I didn't want to announce to the world wide interwebs that Beau and I were departing to Puerto Rico for seven days, leaving our casa to its own defenses.  Can't blame me, right? 
Anyway, I am alive and doing wonderfully well.  Vacation for seven days that involves nothing but eating, sleeping, swimming and reading does wonders for the soul!  We are very blessed that we were able to take this time off to enjoy such a decadent vacation together. 

Beau has become quite the budding photographer and videographer.  I will post some of his great pictures and reviews of the trip on both the blog as well as Trip Advisor, under my usual TA moniker, NolaNative.  Stay tuned and thank you for being patient!

Now, onto a tiny newsflash that I know is a bit delayed, but, nonetheless, delightful.  Have you seen that dear Johnny (Adler) has a line for HSN now?!  It is befittingly called "Happy Chic."

Great home decor items (hello, lamps!) and affordable gifties a go-go.  Check it all out here

Again, thanks, Gimleters, for your patience while I was away.  I am excited to be back to the real blog world. 




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