
Life is a Masquerade

I still can't really decide if I think masks used as decor are an interesting statement of where you have been, showcasing unique cultural experiences, or whether they are just tacky.  I have no ruling and am not even sure I want to submit this to you as a "fab or fug." 

Perhaps my confusion is a result of the fact that I owned zero masks two weeks ago and now own two (!), combined with the fact that when I immediately think of the word "mask," I unfortunately think of this:

Tourist trappy Mardi Gras wall mask. 

I obviously must like some masks as visual statements.  I found this in my blog archives from our trip to Miami in February....

Grouping of tribal masks at the Delano. 

Anyhoo, are you curious about this new influx of masks to Casa de Haynes? 

I bought this little guy in Puerto as a memento and decided to display him in the kitch for a pop of color.

I think he is cute and fun, but Beau thinks he is scary.  Alot of masks are.  

He now may be ousted in honor of this one, though....

Remember when I posted about Amanda Talley's mask a while back?

Well, well.  We "won" it at the Save our Cemeteries' All Saints Soiree!  The event was truly awesome, and I would love to share more pics, but I was 1) having too much fun and 2) working the whole night.  Needless to say, we are puzzled as to how and where to display our newest AT art piece.  I cannot believe we are the lucky owners.  Once we pick up the mask and set it up at home, I will be sure to snap a few shots. 

Any tips or suggestions for displaying masks in a non-tacky manner would be greatly appreciated!



PS: What do y'all have planned for Hallow's Eve?  It is finally going to be Fall here in Nola, and Beau and I plan to celebrate our anni (the 30th) with a trip to the French Market to pick out our pumpkin....last minute! Hopefully, we will get some cutie trick or treaters as we enjoy a delightful dinner at home on Saturday night because apparently some tiny goblins will be coming by on Saturday night instead of Sunday night because of the Saints game on Sunday night.  Oh, and we are going to the game, too! 


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