
Fashion Blog Tag

Who's your fashion role model?
I don't think I have ever had just one role model or anyone I have consciously emulated or copied.
Right now though, I do love Olivia Palermo....she's only in her early twenties but is stylish but with a touch of preppy-ness, fabulous shoes, great fabrics and colours, amazing accessories - clutches and jewellery, there seems to be nothing she can't wear. She always looks well-groomed and just gets it right.
I'm a classic girl and love old-style feminine glamour too and she certainly has that.

I am huge admirer of the "European" look....Italian, French and Spanish women all seem to have it...innately chic, groomed and confident - I love the styles of the very feminine and glamorous Penelope Cruz and Marion Cotillard. Rome is a city of some of the most beautiful people ever and is the only city I have ever felt under-dressed in. Even the French teenagers that used to visit our school every year were beyond chic....we were in awe of them!

What do you always carry with you?
iPhone, lip balm, hand cream, moisturiser, sunglasses, notebook, pens, water, something to read

How would you describe your style?
Classic and feminine....I am all about stylish as opposed to fashionable.
I'm not Kate Moss-slim, not willowy and I certainly am not the shape that I was in my 20s - or pre-children!
I'm also a mother and have a very short amount of time to get dressed each morning, so each day what I wear has to work and work quickly.

I think the key is wearing what suits you - we all know that what looks fabulous on a friend might look terrible on you. Know what works for you and then expand a little on that particular look.
Feeling confident - and comfortable - in your look is essential, if you're not it shows immediately. 

I wear a lot of grey and black....I like a great bag, preferably a large one....I love a good pair of boots or wedges....and I LOVE accessories for a splash of colour.
I have also learned the value of a good skincare routine and a regular blow-dry.

If I manage to get all these right in one day, I feel confident and fabulous - and, quite honestly, it's a minor miracle!

What's your favourite?  Jeans, sunglasses or heels?
All of the above! 
I often wear jeans, black or dark blue skinny ones, and I have some dark blue wide leg jeans that I love.
I love sunglasses, wear them a lot and am eternally searching for the perfect pair.
I love heels and find that I am wearing - and buying - them more and more these days...I wear wedges a lot since I spend a lot of time running from place to place, walking instead of driving, and they are perfect.

What inspired you to blog about fashion?
Well, I didn't start out blogging about fashion at all and would have been really surprised if you had told me that I would now be doing so!

I have always read a lot of magazines so have taken an interest in fashion but I have found that I have gravitated towards quite a few fashion blogs and my interest and love of it has definitely grown.

I have to tell you that really and truly credit for this must go in part to the fabulous

This was actually one of the first blogs that I discovered and DJ and I are now mutual supporters of each other. I read her blog every day and what I discovered was that her blog really gave me a totally new admiration and understanding for the art of the photographer....telling a story through a photo shoot, the skill of the stylist and to really appreciate the individual beauty and characteristics of each model. It was really a revelation and a huge influence on me.

I really began to look at clothes, fashion and the whole business of modelling in totally different way. It truly has taught me to really look at styles, looks, models and fashions that aren't necessarily my own personal style but I can absolutely appreciate how fantastic and beautiful they has given me a different eye I guess you could say.

Vogue magazine used to be something I would buy at the airport once or twice a year when going on I can't wait to buy it each month...and my reading of it is ongoing through every month, I can appreciate it as almost a piece of art. I love it and find it totally inspiring!

Other "fashion" blogs that I love are

These girls write about fashion AND style (amongst other things) and really do a wonderful job....

via here

What is your favourite fashion store?
I buy clothes from everywhere, I couldn't name one store.
I have definitely learned the lesson of buying signature, exclusive, more expensive and classic items that will stand the test of time.
I love the High Street....Zara is fab this season, I can always find something I like in H&M, I love London's Selfridges and Marks & Spencer have some great pieces these days.

 What is your favourite fabric in clothing?
If I had to choose one....probably wool....I absolutely LOVE knitwear, jumpers, scarves, cashmere.

Who are your favourite designers?
Thinking of this season's shows....Celine, Chanel, Michael Kors, Diane von Furstenberg, Alberta Ferretti, Valentino....

Who or what inspires your style?
Magazines, movies, television, friends all inspire me....and it's a continual learning curve...and that's what I love about fashion really. There are no rules,  I don't believe in being a slave to fashion and I love that you can continually re-invent yourself and try new things.

If you feel confident in what you are wearing, it really does show and it's really all that matters, wear what YOU like, dress for yourself.

Would you choose to buy something high quality or make it yourself if you could?
I would be highly surprised if I could produce anything that I would want to wear!
The last item of clothing that I made was an apron at school when I was about 12 and after a whole term's work, I realised that I had sewn the straps on totally wrong!
Last winter I knitted my children bobble hats and was ridiculously proud of myself....I know my limits and would definitely choose to buy something.

  Thank you so much for asking me to do this Christina at Fashion's Most Wanted ....
I was flattered to be asked and it was a lot of fun thinking about my answers!

Happy Monday everyone :)

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