This is my 1000th post! I can hardly believe I have had 999 other things to write about; my goodness! The time has most certainly flown by, but it always does when you are having fun, right?
Today, since 2011 is still freshly on my mind I am thinking about my resolutions and all things squash. I will tour a new gym that has numerous courts this weekend so naturally the next thing on my mind were the squash accessories! Here is a small selection of a few of my favorites:

This is the perfect and most appropriate bag for a casual squash player. Throw your racquet and balls on in and hit the club in style!
I do not think these need an explanation. Perfection on the squash court is what they will yield!
I have a great squash racquet, but had my eye on the Harrow Prep which is no more (tear). However, they replaced it with another fun option which would match my pink balls!
I love all the Lilly active wear tops and was thrilled to finally get my hands on a black one. It looks perfect over any color polo and matches any skirt.
Speaking of skirts, I love the Nike tennis skirts. They have great styles, fun colors and of course they are made for running around in.
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