
I Want Her Hair!

Happy Wednesday! Wishful Wednesday actually! This is the first time I have participated in Miss Kelsey's Wishful Wednesday! Exciting! When I saw the 'wish' for today I knew I had to post about it.

'I wish'.......
I had Jessica Simpson's hair! 
 I really do! I love Jessica Simpson's hair! No matter how she wears it (except for that tragic red that she tried once upon a time) her hair always looks amazing! See what I mean...


Do you understand?? I admit, I am very secure with my head of hair, but if I could switch locks with someone it would be Ms. Simpson. Ok, so Jess is a little bit of an air head (Is Chicken of the Sea chicken or fish?), but her hair is the bomb-diggity, fo sho!

Hope you're having a wonderful hump day, ladies! I'm going to venture out into the snow shortly to run some errands. Oh, did I mention I got another snow day today? Heck, yes!!


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