
Affordable (non cheesy) Art

Two of our most stylish friends, Paola and Jose, are a wealth of fresh design information.  We spend much of our time together discussing new home finds, great hotels and restaurants, travel and, recently, our 5:30 a.m. fitness routine.   They are a wonderful resource to me for travel tips and great design finds both online and in New Orleans. 

Their post-Katrina Uptown home is a complete showstopper.  I don't think I have ever been in a home that so aptly reflects the owners' collective style as theirs.  Paola and Jose's first home in Lakeview (RIP) was a precious bungalowy sight to be seen.  It was replete with an entire bar room.  Yep, I said it.  A chic and fabulous bar ROOM.   However, after Katrina's devastation, these two uber stylish weekend warriors were somehow inexplicably able to top the awesome Lakeview cottage.  I could hardly believe my eyes when I first saw their new post-K home, which they freshed up and infused with their signature look.   They outdid themselves.  Loss for words.

I admire their style so much because it is very unique for the more traditional tastes that dominate New Orleans.  Their home is absolutely ripped from the pages of Dwell Magazine or Design Within Reach.   I am still in awe that they were able to locate one of the ONLY non-traditional Victorian cottages in the entire 70115!

Now that I have gotten you all hot and bothered about these tastemakers' digs, I am not yet going to take you on a house tour.  Because they are some of the most meticulous and gracious hosts I know, Paola asked that she be given fair warning to clean the casa and get it prepped for your eyes.

Don't fret, though.  I am going to share with you one of Paola and Jose's genius finds.   Have you ever been to this website?

Paola and Jose have this great piece in their kitchen...I believe that it has been discontinued as it is no longer on the md-canvas site.   I spotted it immediately and asked them where they found it.  I was shocked when they let me into this lil secret.  Hanging amidst tons of really great original paintings from galleries all over the city, their digital canvas does not come across as mass produced or schlocky! 

Although I believe that art that you love does not have to be expensive, I also think that you should own and display art that expresses your personal style.  Sometimes art that you love does not come with a price tag that you can afford.  I think that this site provides the perfect solution to the "do I wait for 20 years until I can buy the PERFECT piece or do I slap up something to fill the space?" conundrum!

There are some potentially cheesy options, but there are also some quite lovely pieces on md-canvas...and for "big art," the canvases are affordable.  I can also vouch that they. look. good.  I PROMISE that Paola and Jose have not a tacky bone in their bodies!

Here are some of my faves...they could be your own statement piece for a song!

  Moody and sexy indigo

Love that yellow, of course...esp. up against that gray. 

A little industrial vibe....

Fun/Thought Provoking.

Duh.  Of course I had to pick an orange one.

Now, kids...the one I suggest you don't purchase is this one.  It reminds me of one of those office posters that says things like, "Inspiration: Pass It On." or "Team...there is no 'I' in Team." 

Happy Hunting...let me know if you select anything great. 



P.S.  I am going to Me-ah-me.  Not for the Superbowl...a couple of weeks from now.  If you have good restaurant, shopping or fun-stuff-to-do suggestions, please send them to me! 


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