Anyhoo, I figure I should share the wealth of my fabulous house photos that I have taken over the past couple of months. Although I feel like I "know" every house on my driving and walking routes, I am sometimes surprised by something unique or beautiful that I have never noticed before! I am constantly snapping pics of houses around New Orleans (and when visiting other cities) for posterity simply because they are neat and worthy of remembering.
Check out this one. I am always obsessed with conversions of doubles into singles. This house looks like two doubles connected by a closed-in portico. I have never seen anything like it.
Left side of the front of the love love those shuttered-in spaces on conversions of old porches (Usually they are bathrooms or massive walk in closets!)
Cute address on the shady oak outside, too.
This photo allows you to see that there are two "sections" (identical to each other) facing the street. The house literally looks like two doubles attached by a recessed entryway/hallway. Nifty!
Ignore the work truck! See the entryway and "hallway" between the two large single sections.
Also, note the great ground cover and the well-done stained and bricked sidewalk. No treacherous New Orleans sidewalk for these homeowners.
I wish I could capture how the entirety of the house sits on this corner lot in a quiet and tree-lined stretch of Uptown. Sorry for the tiny pics. If someone out in blogland knows the owners, give them a heads up that I love love love their home!
P.S. If you are ever moved to snap a shot of a great home exterior (wherever you are), please send it in! There is so much eye candy surrounding us in our daily routines, and I know I seem to forget that sometimes.
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