I have coveted spun fiberglass patio furniture for a long time. Countless ebay and craigslist searches have come up fruitless over the years for the reasons of price or distance or usually both. I actually considered snatching a set from the
Viceroy when Leigh and I visited. Probably not a good idea, right?
via flickr
There was even a tempting spun fiberglass lounger a couple months back wherein Beau had to talk me out of asking my youngest brother in law to drive to Fort Wayne, Indiana and then drive it down to us in New Orleans.
So, in honor of beach week, look what I found! Finally!
I plan to pull the trigger...paws off. I am already envisioning either aqua, yellow, or orange sunbrella cushions. They will go on the currently empty back deck in preparation for spring/summer and, of course, in honor of beach week.
I need the push, but not too badly. I have already bid. They will be mine...why don't you come over and sit and have a cocktail this summer?
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