If you aren't joining us in the '21 Days to a Better Me' you really should! You wouldn't believe how much better I feel everyday! Summer has now posted a Mr. Linky so we can see who is participating and have a little community of support during the challenge. Such a sweet one, that Summer!
(Photo here)
Update from yesterday:
I kept a little notebook with me all day and jotted down blessings as they came to mind. Some of them included:
I was able to get up this morning.
I made it to work safely.
Having wonderful coworkers.
My dad giving me great advice.
Hearing children's laughs everyday.
Today is day four....
Day 4:
Often times we can get caught up in negative self talk.
Or in being negative period.
We tend to speak to ourselves more horribly than we would ever imagine speaking to someone we love.
So today, that stops.
With every negative thought that comes into your mind,
first immediately STOP it...
And then, replace that thought with what is TRUE and positive.
Even better, get some index cards and write out the negative thought on one side,
and the truth on the other.
Along with the truth, you could find a bible verse or quote that further encourages you in that area.
Notice what a difference you feel about yourself and about life at the end of the day.
Often times we can get caught up in negative self talk.
Or in being negative period.
We tend to speak to ourselves more horribly than we would ever imagine speaking to someone we love.
So today, that stops.
With every negative thought that comes into your mind,
first immediately STOP it...
And then, replace that thought with what is TRUE and positive.
Even better, get some index cards and write out the negative thought on one side,
and the truth on the other.
Along with the truth, you could find a bible verse or quote that further encourages you in that area.
Notice what a difference you feel about yourself and about life at the end of the day.
(I'm looking for the silver linings today)
So, today it's all about positivity. I'm going to take the positivity one step further and strive to be positive about everyone around me too. Negativity is contagious and toxic, so I'm hoping that my positivity will be just as contagious today.
If you're still contemplating taking part in this challenge, today should be the day! What better day to start than the day that's devoted to feeling good about yourself?
(Photo here)
By the way, you look fabulous today!
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