The Webster dictionary defines compassion as "sympathetic consciousness of others' distress together with a desire to alleviate it." Having compassion is not always easy. It can be difficult to understand why someone chooses to hurt you when they themselves are hurting. You can spend hours wondering why someone stole the parking spot you were waiting for, didn't they know that you have a sick child and are in a hurry? However, compassion is so much more than the desire to alleviate distress in those that surround us day to day.

Compassion means helping those who do not have a voice. It means helping those in dire need for they cannot help themselves. Helping those who need far more than we can often comprehend. These are children around the world who live in poverty. Children who have never slept on a bed before and who have never had a roof over their head. Children who can go days without food. Children who spend their days walking through landfills in hopes to find that one tin can that someone else passed over. Children who walk five miles to school, without shoes. Children who are orphaned by AIDS and war. Children who have no access to clean water. Children who deserve a chance at a better way of life!

While we must have compassion for all those around us I believe that these innocent children are those we must especially have compassion towards.

Below is a photo of Heydi. Heydi just turned nine on February 1st. She lives in a remote village in Honduras. Heydi lives with her grandmother and loves going to school. Heydi is a part of her local
Compassion International project and Heydi is my sponsored child.

Every few months I receive letters from Heydi. Letters in which her smile radiates across the page. Every letter ends with like"I pray for you everyday, you have changed my life Helen." By having compassion for Heydi I have helped better the life of just one child living in poverty. With your help we can help remove others from poverty and give them a chance at a better life through
Compassion International.
As you know, I have entered the Tucker Blair belt design competition and have chosen Compassion International as my charity of choice. For just over $35 a month a child can be supported through their programs. A $250 donation would therefor support a child for seven months. In order to support one child waiting for a "lifetime sponsor" for an entire year if I win I will supplement this donation with the additional funds to make this possible.
I know how many of you all read my blog every day and I know how many of you also have Facebook since many of you are fans of the blogs' Facebook page and I NEED your help and support today! If you have an account would you please help me by selecting the "Like" button on the Tucker Blair Facebook page & then selecting "Like" to vote for my KappaPrep design (it is the wayfarer sunglasses design)? Voting only goes until Friday. This takes under a minute, but it could have a lifelong affect on a child living in poverty. Let's come together and have compassion to make the life of one child better today!
"From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked." Luke 12:48
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