I am not a horrible cook though, and, therefore, think I need a little herb garden. I realized I am spending a small fortune buying individual packs of herbs for multiple recipes. Lucky for me, my mom has tended to herbs for as long as I can remember, and she is the ultimate green thumb, gardener extraordinaire.
With a little guidance and coaching from her (as well as reading up a tiny bit), I made this:
Went "shopping" in aforementioned storage unit for this corrogated steel tub...I love how they look outside as planters (or as bathtubs for dogs/kids or as holders for iced down drinks...the Southern uses of these tubs are endless)!
Now, I realize that you fancy gardening gimleters are probably laughing at your computers right now thinking that it is very lame that I am sharing a corrogated steel tub with some herbs placed in it as a full blog-worthy project. There is a method to my madness. First, I am kind of proud of it, albeit a minute/ridiculous accomplishment. Second, if I can plant and use my own herbs, you can too! (And, you do not need a big space for your little garden).
Here are the tips, culled from my gardening mama as well as from an old Domino (RIP) article:
1. Drill a couple of holes in the bottom of your planter. (This is a task that could be easier said than done, but I promise is not too hard...)
2. Fill with potting soil, leaving about three-four inches at the top.
3. Place herbs into the soil after you have dug a small hole for them. Be sure to place the bigger herbs in the middle.
4. Place the herb pot in partial sunlight and water daily. We don't want our herbs to be water logged out in the rain or fried by the sun.
Now, onto the important thing in all of this (and much of life). Accessories.
For your new herb garden, you will need herb markers. I found some very affordable options on etsy to suit a wide range of styles.
I wonder how these would hold up outdoors. I think they would perfectly accessorize my steel tub.
Perfect for a Craftsman-style herb garden...is there such a thing?
Recycled silverware, for a more traditional look.
I hope that you are inspired to create your own mini herb garden. I will keep y'all updated on the progress...I may not take pictures, though. (Trying to be optimistic, but don't want to document the dead herbs that I may wake up to tomorrow!)
P.S. BIG DRUMROLL. Tomorrow we have a guest post from the fabulous Birthday Girl blog writer, Becca. I really try not to make promises that I don't keep. Remember I told you that she would be making an appearance with an inspiration board for Monograms and Mimosas? Well, the day has come. Superwoman blogger Becca has exceeded all high expectations and put together an amazing guest post for us, sharing some great ways to host your own Monos and Mims bash. (I also must point out that creating this board for us is very generous of Becca as she normally charges $25.00 dollars for this service. Thank you, Becca!) I cannot wait, and I hope you tune into Gimlet tomorrow.
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