
Friday Fabulousness.... The Fashion Edition

Happy Friday Dear Readers,

Forty Not Out is truly honoured to bring you Friday Fabulousness - The Fashion Edition! As an avid reader of Simone's blog, I was extremely thrilled to be asked if I wanted to do a guest post whilst she was en vacances. And to fill in for a Friday Fabulousness slot is an absolute dream come true. I mean... I literally jump on these weekly doses of imagery that have me floating away with my morning coffee. If truth be told, my third morning coffee actually.

So I hope that whilst you sit for a moment and sip at the fuel of choice for bloggers the world over, I can take you to another world. A world... where fashion dreams really do come true...

Revelling in the runways.......

Louis Vuitton takes my breath away with a fantasy dress
Stella McCartney has me yearning for simple elegance
Sonia Rykiel tickles my sense of humour with pom-poms!
Gucci has me gasping for sheer luxe

Putting my style hero's on a well-deserved pedestal....

Meredith Melling Burke
Carrie Bradshaw
Olivia Palermo
Grace Kelly

Adding to the crave list almost daily...

Colours to covet from Chanel
A Valentino handbag that makes me sigh
Returning to my first love... Louboutins
A Burberry trench with a twist. Or a ruffle.

And talking of ruffles.....

Wishing you a wonderful weekend with some of this....
... and some of these!


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